Math-U-See Curriculum - Complete K-12 Math

Math-U-See does not teach to any standardized tests (no Common Core). Instead, this curriculum focuses on teaching mathematics in a systematic approach for conceptual mastery. Math-U-See's tutor-style model is the main reason why it has been readily adopted by special education programs.
Math-U-See is designed to move at the child's pace. It is up to the teacher and the student to determine how fast or slow they should move through the materials.
Math-U-See placement test: The Alpha Placement Test is usually the best place to start. Even students that are already in "upper elementary" may take this test and realize they are lacking in many critical computational skills.
Math-U-See grade levels: Math-U-See does not categorize their curriculum by grade. Instead, they use Greek letters for each "grade" in the lower level books. The General Math curriculum is designed for students in the grade range of K-6. MUS also publishes high school level math.
Math U See reviews
There are several reasons why Math-U-See is one of the best math curricula.
Traditionally, teaching math means that students will memorize facts, steps, methods, and formulas. Nevertheless, memorization does not mean the students actually learn the concepts. Math-U-See takes a different approach by showing your child how to solve the problem, why the problem should be solved this way, and when this solution can be useful in "real life." Yes, Math-U-See uses word problems!
Math-U-See's focus is on mastery. The curriculum achieves this by always taking a series of steps: 1) Introduce. 2) Practice. 3) Master. 4) Review. Before moving on, your child will have to teach you the concept. Math-U-See's focus on mastery is also what makes it a student-paced curriculum. The emphasis on mastery and "reverse teaching" allows students to build confidence.
Math-U-See was designed to be sequential and cumulative because that is the way math works. When students move on before they master a foundational skill, they are unable to truly master grasp material. MUS is not the only curriculum to emphasize this point. In fact, Khan Academy founder, Sal Khan, talks about teaching for mastery in his talk. Moving on before a student has mastered material is like building a house without a foundation. Math-U-See follows a logical sequence of learning and each "level" of the curriculum is named after the Greek alphabet to emphasize the sequence of concepts over grade association.
Math-U-See understands that every student has a unique learning style. MUS was designed to be multisensory, using math manipulatives that allow younger students to visualize concepts. Students will also write the problem and say the problem aloud.
You don't have to be a math genius to teach math with Math-U-See. Math-U-See curriculum provides everything a parent-teacher needs to teach math: 1) instructional videos 2) manipulatives 3) drills 4) worksheets 5) complete solutions.
Homeschool reviews of Math U See
Math U See is excellent for foundational skills. I use it with my 11, 9, and 7-year-old. We do supplement because we want our kids to see and do math from different approaches. Our supplements are Beast Academy and Life of Fred. During our Morning Basket, I'll throw in living math books every now and then for fun.
We use Math-U-See and Life of Fred to supplement. We've just recently started using Ray's Primary Arithmetic (mental math) with the youngest. I love that MUS does a Canadian version. I switched to Teaching Textbooks last year for high school only because I was never staying caught up with all the marking, teaching, etc. with my kids. (My fault) I have a friend who has graduated about 4 kids so far and has always used MUS. Tried and true!
My 2bd grader is on Beta in Math-u-see. We started last year with Alpha. Seriously a game changer for us! I wish something like this existed for ALL the subjects!!
I've used both math us see & TT. I liked MUS for the basics up to about 3rd grade. At that point it got really easy for my son. We switched to TT & he loves it
Both of my kids disliked Math U See, but they're fighting over which one gets to do Teaching Textbook math first each day. They're also doing better in math than ever. (My kiddos are 8 and 11, for what it's worth.)
We used math usee last year. It was ok but Teaching Textbooks is definitely our favorite. Both of my children really stink at math and they are making A's almost every lesson. Teaching Textbooks have sample lessons on their website so you get an idea of what it's like if you're interested.
Is Math-U-See rigorous enough?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions about MUS. In short, almost every homeschooler who has used MUS will say, "yes." Why is this one of the more common worries? I believe the fear that Math-U-See might not be "rigorous enough" largely stems from Cathy Duffy's review.
How to ensure that Math-U-See provides adequate practice and rigor
Extra practice sheets are available from the website if needed. As long as your kids get the concept, you can move on. One homeschool parent said:
I'll have someone complete lesson 10A, if they get it, they move on to 10D (review) and if it's 100%, they write test, if not they fix the wrong answers with me and do another page, then they write the test. I gauge their readiness. I don't test until grade 3, depending on the child and competence. Because the math done with my 6-7-year-old is with me, sitting right next to them. So I know if they have it or not. The perks of being mom/teacher!
For other parents who are still worried about Math-U-See not being 'rigorous' enough, there are numerous homeschool students who are in college and used Math-U-See all the way through.
I only use MUS. It's worked well for us. I have three graduated and one is a math major.
Math-U-See demonstration video (alpha)
In this video, Steve Demme explains some of the basics of how Math-U-See works.
Find Math-U-See on social media
MUS maintains extremely active online and social profiles. They will answer many of your questions on social media. Find them on: