Explode the Code

Explode the Code books provide a "barebones program." There are no frills and unnecessary bells and whistles.
Explode the Code books can be used alone or alongside another phonics program. Books 1-8 are for phonics mastery with half-books available for practice/mastery. Books 1-8 are the essentials and most commonly used.For three books in the series, Get Ready for the Code, Get Set for the Code, and Go for the Code, the teacher's notes were removed and revised. The teacher's guide can now be purchased separately. The guide offers teaching information and answers for these three books. In upper levels, the teacher's guides covering two levels.
Explode the Code books review
What is explode the code?
It's sometimes hard for parents and teachers to remember how tricky it can be to learn the English language. Do you remember how you learned to sound out your consonants and vowels and all those blended and strange English letters and sounds? Do you have one child that appears ready to read but another that doesn't seem quite ready?
Well, no matter the child, the creators of Explode the Code have successfully produced a series of 14 phonics workbooks (core series) that help children of all levels to build necessary literacy skills and put them on the road to reading and writing success. Parents can use these books as their primary reading curriculum or as a supplement. Parents repeatedly claim that this series is fun, engaging, and easy to use.
Explode the Code books 1, 2 & 3
The first 3 books in the series are the Explode the Code Primers, designed to use before the Explode the Code series. The series is appropriate for Pre-K- 1 and covers letter formation and early foundational skills. Activities include copying and tracing letters and exercises that encourage critical thinking. These primers set the stage for the Explode the Code main series.
Explode the Code 1/2 books and core
Explode the Code, books 1 through 8 cover the core of the material. The ½ books (1 ½-6 ½ are used if students need more practice on the topics covered in the first book The authors have created this research-based series to include plenty of practice in each lesson which reinforces the skills learned each day. If parents or teachers want the teacher keys for the series, they only need 2 books.
The Explode series
The Beyond the Code books can be used in coordination with the Explode series. There are four books, with one book to be used after every second Explode the Code book. The focus of this series is reading comprehension. Each lesson has entertaining stories and exercises that encourage comprehension skills while keeping it fun. These books introduce new words along with reinforcing the phonics that they have been learning.
What if you don't know where to start?
How to start using Explode the Code series
If a parent is unsure of a child's reading level or where to start, they can use the placement tests to quickly assess the appropriate level by testing the skills that are presented in the Explode the Code series.
Download the Scope & Sequence for Explode the Code.
The Explode the Code Placement Test is only available for puchase (no PDF download).
Many homeschoolers use Explode the Code with the Sonlight curriculum or with 100 Easy Lessons. Sonlight will 'schedule' the books for you. Please be aware that books 7 and 8 are not scheduled in Sonlight. However, this does not mean you can't finish the series. When you finish book 6, just keep on going into book 7.
Explode the Code grade level equivalents
The curriculum was not designed to correspond (directly) to grade levels. We suggest dividing them accross 1st - 3rd grade. Explode the Code books 1-3 can be completed during grade 1, books 4-6 for grade 2, and books 7-8 in grade 3. On average, this is a very standard distribution. There is a very good chance that your child could finish the books before 3rd grade. In other scenarios, it could be difficult to finish by 3rd.
Explode the Code online
Explode The Code has the traditional print program but parents can also purchase Explode the Code Online. The web based program provides the same wonderful phonics instruction in a dynamic, multisensory format. This program provides constant assessment, individualized learning, and the same incredible content that parents have come to rely on. One of the many benefits of the Explode the Code Online program is the progress assessment that monitors when a student needs extra help or when a student is proficient enough to skip lessons. Parents or teachers find it easy to monitor a student's progress or tailor assignments to fit individual needs.
Explode the Code Online can be used on your desktop, laptop, IPad or Android device. The program allows for tracking of one student per subscription and subscriptions can be bought by the year. For each 12-month subscription, you get access to the 8 books of Explode the Code, along with other benefits such as program support and online teacher training for getting the program up and running.
Parents have been using this bestselling program for over 30 years, providing millions of children with the literary skills to take on the world on reading. So why not check it out!
Buy Explode the Code workbooks
Sounds great, right!? Many homeschoolers buy the Explode the Code complete set. The easiest way to buy the complete set of Explode the Code is through this Amazon bundle.
Explod the Code homeschool reviews and FAQ
We use explode the code occasionally when the kids get bored with Reading Eggs, need a break, or need extra practice.
If you are homeschooling, you NEED these books!
We are on ETC 4 1/2 right now and plan on continuing. We don't use a separate spelling program. It's also been good for vocabulary--lots of words pop up that my 7-yr old doesn't already know (e.g. sliver, basin, etc.). It's also been good for learning rules and strategies for new words. The sections on open/closed syllables have been helpful, as have the morphemes. [source]
For our homeschool, Explode the Code was okay. We had some problems with it because our children found it to be "sooooooo boring" at times. Also, this curriculum doesn't work well unless your kid already has handwriting down. The explode the code online was better, because you can type in the answers, but it is still quite repetitive. I guess for some people, that's what they want.
Explode the Code really helps strengthen our curriculum.
Many of the most common Frequently Asked Questions about Explode the Code are answered through homeschool mom reviews.
Can Explode the Code be used with children with Dyslexia?
Yes, depending on the severity. We have used explode the code and really liked it. My oldest daughter has mild dyslexia. She did great with explode the code. My middle daughter has severe dyslexia and is progressing at a much slower pace. We are now considering the possibility of switching to something else.
We currently use it for supplemental practice. After a lesson in our curriculum, we head over to ETC. My daughter does not "love" it, but I think the practice makes a big difference. One of the great things about ETC is that she can do most of it independently. So, my daughter gets a confidence boost and independence. Be prepared to help. Sometimes she will need lots of one-on-one help to decipher a picture.
Watch Explod the Code Book 1 in action!
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Literacy specialists recomend Explode the Code as the strongest phonics product available because of its scope and sequence, ease of use, and its extensive reinforcement.
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