The Mystery of History

Mystery of History Series
The Mystery of History series has four volumes with the additional supplemental products for each individual volume available for purchase separately. The first two books are typically used for early grades through eighth grade. Independent readers on a third or fourth grade level can read on their own or simply be part of a family read aloud of the lesson. As the volumes advance, so does the reading level needed, approximately 2 years per level. But as stated before, the huge benefit of this series is that the whole family can hear or read the same lesson, but then engage with the material in varying age appropriate activities included at the end of each lesson. This is a wonderfully creative flexible course to use.
Typically, each volume covers a year of school. They are divided into quarters, with each quarter beginning with an "Around the world" section. This gives background and a summary of events that will be studied in this quarter. Lessons are arranged so that a typical week would include 3 lessons, pretest, review and quiz. The activities at the end of the lesson are divided into 3 age groups so you can pick and choose what works best for your students. This allows for a parent to add a field trip day or additional activity that sparks more interest in the lesson on the other 2 days of the week. Although the series is designed to complete in one year, it can be adjusted or spread out over a longer period of time, if needed. The more activities, fieldtrips, extra projects or readings that a parent chooses to include will determine time frame.
Typical activities include creating a time line and learning about the map. The quizzes and material tend to be cumulative so the student can continually reinforce the material. Even if you don't purchase any of the supplemental material, the author encourages the use of the Bible and a historical atlas as basic reference material.
Although many parents continue to be a willing and active participant in the learning process (even when their students are perfectly capable of reading), the lessons are set up for a student to gradually become more responsible in their individual learning process. Whereas the younger students need a parent for one-on-one activities, the older students often do more writing and research based work.
Mystery of History Volume 1
Volume I, Creation to the Resurrection, includes 36 lessons and begins with creation and follows a chronological biblical history. This volume assumes that much of our knowledge about ancient times is based on the Bible as a source. World civilizations that are covered in this text include, but not limited to, Chinese dynasties, India and Hinduism. If a parent needs or wants the audio version, there is a set of 8 CDs available.
Mystery of History Volume 2
Volume II spans the time from The Early Church and the Middle Ages (A.D. 30-1460) and includes 28 lessons of amazing figures and events taking place during this time. So much time to cover in only 28 packed lessons! Parents can purchase 12 CDs and a cookbook to supplement this volume.
Mystery of History Volume 3 & 4
- Volume III covers the time period of The Renaissance, Reformation, and the Growth of Nations (1455-1707).
- Volume IV includes Wars of Independence to Modern Times (1708-the present) with a variety of supplemental products for each of volume III and IV.
Volumes III and IV both have Student Reader and a Companion Guide. There is much more reading at this stage so parents will need to decide what is appropriate in terms of information and comprehension for their children, and whether students can read on their own or need to use text as a read aloud. Parents can continue to buy the audio format and can also get a CD_ROM for these volumes.
The Volume III and Volume IV Student Readers have more text than Volume II and significantly more than Volume I and II. The Companion Guides offer loads of ideas for activities and additional books and resources.
Mystery of History as a homeschool curriculum
The four volumes, along with the supplemental materials (audio CD's, Audio CDs, CD-ROM-PDF files that include tests, worksheets, maps, resources, reading lists, Notebooking Pages, Coloring Pages, Challenge Cards, and more) create a curriculum that is a sure winner for homeschooling parents.
You have World History, geography, Biblical history, hands on activities, ideas galore for supplemental reading and activities -- all wrapped up in one curriculum for one family!
Mystery of History or Story of the World?
This is a frequently asked question. Story of the World often works well with young children who need a homeschool curriculum that holds their attention. Mystery of History is more more in-depth and arguably more "soundly Christian." When comparing the two, Mystery of History is "dryer" than Story of the World. Nevertheless, Mystery of History is anything but boring.
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