Dot and Tot of Merryland
Posted in Kindergarten, Literature, Lower Elementary, Preschool, Public Domain, Reading on November 11, 2011 - by Creative Commons

Freshly uploaded onto for your reading pleasure, Dot and Tot of Merryland is another fantastical story by L. Frank Baum.
Illustrating for this public domain book in a similar fashion as the Wizard of Oz books, W. W. Denslow brings little Dot and Tot to life in oranges and yellows.
The story is about the adventures of a little girl named Dot and a little boy named Tot in a land reached by floating on a river that flowed through a tunnel. The land was called Merryland and was split into seven valleys.
Dedication from the front of the book:
To ev’ry laughter-loving Tot—
Whether your name be Dot or not;
And may you find a Merryland
Forever lying close at hand.
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