11 Learning Tips and Study Strategies for Visual Learners

There are all sorts of different learning styles out there. But today I am going to list some study strategies for one of the most common styles -- visual learners.
We all know you guys do best when you see stimulating content! But moms, don't forget that visual learners can benefit from more than just staring at a computer screen. Here are 12 tips you can use to help your child learn, focus, and study.
1. Organize everything!
Visual learners are --no surprise here -- susceptible to visual distractions. But if you're a mom who isn't necessarily a visual learner, you might forget that a messy work space and a messy living room can wreak havoc on your visual child. Clutter, messes, and other visuals that aren't organized can destroy your child's productivity and focus.
2. Develop strong visual outlines before writing essays
This might be my favorite tip because I dont think many people think of this right off the bat. This is especially important when taking tests (like the SAT). Before a visual learner starts to write, they should make a very clear outline. Sometimes, a visually appealing outline (pictorial outline). Visual learners will struggle to complete an organized and coherenet essay or paper when they haven't created a strong visual plan before starting. This goes for essays AND for writing assignments. Every writing assignment should start with an organized, visual outline.
3. Make sure the material is well organized
Visual learners do best when they are presented with organized and cleanly typed materials. Presentation is key!
4. Use visual associations for memory
To improve the memory of your visual learner, make sure that you use the right aids. Visual imagery, flash cards, and written repetition are the best strategies for improving memory.
5. Reuse images in new ways
Images can be used more than one time! Reconstruct images in different arrangements. When a visual learner has a page or sheet with lots of blank space, make sure to fill up those areas with media.
6. Utilize visual reminders
Sticky notes, post-it notes, note pads, lists, journals, weekly planners -- all of these things are great ways to record reminders that work well with visual types.
7. Record notes in an organized fashion
Visual learners do well when their notes, materials, and references are clearly organized and written. Additionally, notes and learning materials should be customized for the visual learner. There are many aids that can help achieve this. Assuming that the notes are clearly hand-written or typed, highlighters can save the day! Underlining notes and drawing pictures and graphs are my two favorites. Don't forget to use multiple colored pens!
8. Associate visual cues with words/terms
This is a great way to learn. Associating mental images with a particular idea, word, or term is the best way to memorize or retain information. I hate giving tests, but sometimes they are necessary -- especially when preparing for college. When visual learners need to memorize, they do best when they practice turning visual cues into answers.
9. Prepare for tests by visually encoding information
Specifically, if you're studying for a test make sure that any difficult answers or terms are given some type of visual encoding that helps with recollection. I do not consider myself to be a 'one type learner,' and this works wonders for me. Once I'm able to figure out the concepts I just can't remember (after doing one or two runs through the material), I start associating it with a visual image or concept. Visual learners need to be given the chance to practice tying knowledge and images together. Some incredibly lucky people have visually photographic memories... I only wish it were always that easy.
10. Actively participate!
This is key for all learning types. But, I think it should be given special attention to visual learners because they can greatly benefit from involvement -- in group activities especially.
11. Position your child in the front of the room
This is another tip for avoiding distractions. In the front of the room there are fewer windows and doors where visual action takes place. Also,do a survey of the room and make sure he or she isn't sitting near any large paintings, maps, or posters. Its so easy to get distracted by these visual aids if you aren't supposed to be utilizing them.
What did I forget? Let me know through a comment!
I'm beginning to think that my daughter might be a visual learner. It's good to know that visual distractions can be a big problem for her. Since she's struggling in school, I figure that it might be helpful to learn about different strategies and tools she can use when she studies.