Homeschool Link Ups - List of Link Parties by or for Homeschoolers

This is a curated list of link ups by or for homeschool bloggers. This list is set apart from some other lists in three ways:

  1. We are not interested in "blog politics." We have not discriminated in any way against link up parties based on affiliations, network memberships, etc.
  2. We are only listing link ups that are about homeschooling or open to homeschool submissions.  Linkups that are only about recipes or crafts have (generally) not been listed. If we include a link up that is heavily about a niche within homeschooling, like arts and crafts, we've tried to label it as such.
  3. Link ups that have been inactive for a month have been removed.

Please note that as a volunteer community, Homeschool Base does not host link ups or participate as a brand. Our individual bloggers have the liberty to advertise their blog posts as they wish.

If your link up is not listed, please contact us and we will add it!

Weekly Homeschool Link Ups

Monday Link Ups

Literacy Musing Mondays - The #LMMLinkup is hosted by Mary and Brandi.

The Homeschool Nook - by Busy Boys Brigade and Chaotic Bliss

Montessori Monday

Mondays Musings - To have others share encouragement about being a child of God, being a godly wife, motherhood, homemaking, homeschooling, healthy recipes, modest dress, etc.

Mommy Monday - by Mrs. AOK, A Work in ProgressThe Squishable BabyMrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter

Inspire Me Monday

Motivational Monday Blogger Linkup

All Around the Home and Homestead

#mg link up - Living Fearlessly Authentic

Tuesday Link Ups

Hip Homeschool Hop

Trivium Tuesdays - [inactive]

A Wise Woman - share your posts on building up your home, homemaking, character, hospitality, femininity, family, tea, recipes, parenting, marriage, homeschooling, and whatever else you'd like to share that would encourage our community.

Littles Learning Link Up - Tots and Me

Wednesday Link Ups

From House to Home - making your house into a home: homemaking, parenting, homeschooling, marriage, loving God!

Finishing Strong - Finishing Strong is a place for families who are homeschooling middle & high school kids to meet up in order to share tips, encouragement, advice, and more.

What to Read Wednesday - hosts share a themed selection of their favorite books each week.

Coffee and Conversations

Thursday Link Ups

Hearts for Home

Virtual Fridge - artwork that's on your Virtual Refrigerator.

Booknificent Thursdays

Encouraging Hearts and Home Blog Hop

Friday Link Ups

Weekly Wrap-Up - The Weekly Wrap-Up is a weekly link-up designed to for homeschooling families to share the highlights of their school week.

Preschool Corner - Sharing preschool and kindergarten learning ideas.

Homeschool Blog and Tell - by the Homeschool Post

Blogger’s Pit Stop Linky Party

Saturday Link Ups

#HSBAT - Homeschool Blog and Tell by

Simply Natural Saturday - Hosted primarily by homeschoolers, but the link up is primarily for natural living

Share The Wealth Blog Hop

Sunday Link Ups

Sunday’s Best Linkup

Other linkups of note that we enjoy


Motivate Me Monday

Meal Plan Monday

Handmade Mania

Tips & Tricks Party

Meet Up Monday


Tuesday Talk

Instant Pot Tuesday


Delicious Dishes Recipe Party

Totally Terrific Tuesdays


Homestead Blog Hop - Real food recipes, farm animals, crafts, DIY, how-to’s, gardening, anything from scratch, natural home/health, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, natural remedies, essential oils, & more!

I AM Pinnable


Creatively Crafty

Home Matters


Best of the Weekend - Fridays at 8PM EST

Inspiration Spotlight - creativity, photography, nature.

Foodie Friday and Everything Else Link Party

The Crafty Rebels Link Up




Family Joy Blog link-up

Over the Moon

Clever Chicks

Last modified: May 19, 2017