Participation & Submission Guidelines for the ‘Learn to BE’ Summer Challenge

Sign Up

Please let us know if you plan to participate in the Summer Challenge by signing up below. Signing up is not required to participate, but it will give us a much better idea of how many submissions we will be reviewing in August. Please sign up only 1 time.

Who Can Participate?

  • The Learn to Be Summer Challenge is open to all students in primary or secondary education (K-12).
  • There is no school type requirement. All families are welcome no matter where their children attend school. This includes, but is not limited to, homeschool students, public school students, and private school students.
  • Individuals above the age of 18 are welcome to participate, but are not eligible to submit documentation to win an award or prize.
  • Parents! The Summer Challenge is an excellent way for parents to engage with their children in fun learning activities and projects.


Your documentation will ultimately be a collage of mediums. Use a word processor (like Microsoft Word, Pages, or Google Docs) to chronicle the challenges you completed this summer. Identify each project by using a heading of that project's name. A free template is available when you sign up and confirm your participation.

Acceptable forms of documentation include:

  • Any medium specified or required by the specific challenge
  • Written account
  • Creative writing
  • Journaled account
  • Poetry
  • Voice/audio recording (MP3)
  • Video recording of an event (MP4, MOV, AVI)
  • Photograph(s)
  • Art (digital photograph of the artwork)
  • Written word (digital photograph or scan of the pages)
  • Personal blog/website post

All submissions must be 100% digital and cannot be mailed to an address. Use digital photo, audio files, or video recording to document what cannot be written. Videos and audio files should be included in submissions via shared links to Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, or Amazon Cloud Drive. Simply paste the link into your word processor in the appropriate place.


The deadline for submissions is August 15th at 11:59PM EST.

Submit Your Summer Challenge

This page will be updated on July 15th to include a submission form.


  • One (1) grand prize of a $100 gift certificate to a local bookstore will be awarded to the student who completes the most challenges and submits proper documentation. If multiple students complete the same number of challenges, the students submissions will be judged based on the following rubric.
  • Four (4) runner-up prizes of $25 gift certificates to a local bookstore will be awarded to the students who submit creative documentation for completed challenges.
  • All submissions will have a chance to be republished, or partially re-published, on the Homeschool Base blog.

Judging & Rubric

All decisions of the judges are final and binding and not subject to appeal or review. Judging will occur on the dates as set forth by Homeschool Base in August. Winners will be announced after judgement, TBA.

Rubric Categories: Number of Challenges Completed, Originality, Creative Expression, Organization, and Types of Documentation Mediums.

Last modified: June 15, 2017