Benefits of One-On-One Homeschool Teaching with Your Mom

Posted in Homeschooling on July 26, 2017 - by

Just me and mom

“Mom, can I write about turtles for my animal today?” asked my son. Now, I knew exactly why he wanted to write about turtles, and this made me smile. We had seen turtles at the park that week and the kids were fascinated with them.

I also knew the reason my son was asking to write about turtles was because that wasn’t what the assignment had been. Each day, there had been a particular assigned animal to research and write about. Turtles were not on the list for this week.

The Special Moments

I had seen my son’s excitement when he first saw the turtles, and I knew him all too well. Not only did I allow him to change the assignment but I told him what a brilliant idea that actually was. I enjoyed his enthusiasm for learning and was glad that he was taking an interest in something enough to be curious about it and want to find out more.

When he finished the assignment, he very proudly stood up in front of the family and read to all of us what he now knew about the turtles that we saw. Not only did he greatly enjoy sharing with us but since we were also part of the memory, we all enjoyed it just as much as he did. It became a family moment; and more specifically, it became a special moment between my son and me.

Learning Together

I knew what that had meant to my son, and he was aware that I had allowed him to change the assignment. We both appreciated the other and their part in the whole thing. There were so many things for my son and I both to learn through during that process.

My son learned to be curious, ask questions and find the answers to those questions. He learned to trust me as he came to me with a suggestion and saw my response to that suggestion. He learned to trust himself, too. He had a very good idea and I agreed with it.

I learned that my son is starting to take an interest in his own education. This gives me an insight into what changes I might want to make regarding his learning. I also learned something about him as a person. He likes turtles, and so do I. We talked about then and enjoyed that interest together.


If Things Were Different…

There’s really no knowing what lessons each of us actually learned that day. There’s no knowing what effect that day had on our relationship or our life together. These small moments are the most special. They are the stuff that life is made of.

I thought about how this scenario would have gone differently had my son been in public school. First of all, he would have never gone to the park at all because that trip was part of our weekly nature walk for school; so he would have never seen the turtles in the first place.

If he did take an interest in turtles, changing the assignment would not have been an option in the public school setting. Even if he had a teacher who gave writing assignments that allowed the child to choose the topic, she would have never known just how much this assignment meant to him.

No, the lessons learned that day, and the many more like it in both of our lives, was something that could not be duplicated in any other environment except the homeschool one. It was also one that could only be experienced between a parent and child.

A Very Special Connection

As a homeschool mom, I realize that I hold a very unique position. There is a connection between the homeschool parent and their child that is unlike any other. You see your child every day. You witness their minds at work. You know how they think and what excites them or bores them. You have opportunities to make a difference in your child’s life unlike anyone else.

This is a gift to your child and yourself. They are in an environment where they can be themselves and be open and honest. They have you there every day; supporting them and helping them. Whenever there is a problem, they can talk to you and you, being their parent, know them well and can help them through it.

Speaking from Experience

As a person who attended public school as a young child, I understand what a benefit this is. There were definitely times when I just needed my mom to talk to and to help me through a problem. Just being able to express my frustration with the lesson in front of me would have been a great help but there was a host of other problems that I needed my mom for in school.

I had separation anxiety in kindergarten and would cry until my teacher called my mom to come to school. My mom would stop whatever else she was doing and come to talk to me. Mom always knew what to say and before long, I was back in class enjoying myself.

When I was homeschooled in high school, I always had my mom there with me. She was right alongside me trying to figure out those impossible algebra problems. When I compare the two very different times in my life, I see the stark contrast to having your mom there all of the time and not having that opportunity.

Having a Lifelong Impact

I don’t think that we can ever know just how much of an impact we as homeschool parents have on our children. As we sit there by their side working one-on-one with each of them we should be reminded of what a blessing this truly is.

I will never forget that day with my son and the turtles. The series of small, simple events was just one example of many days just like that in our everyday homeschool life. How precious these moments are!

Homeschool Mom

About Jill Cain

Hi, my name is Jill. I am a homeschool mom of six amazing kiddos ages 3-21. I hope that sharing my experiences and keeping things real helps to light the paths of others along the way.

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