Egyptian Birds

Pliny declares that it was by watching the flight of birds in general, and of the Kite in particular, that men first conceived the idea of steering their boats and ships with a tail or rudder, for, says he, “these birds by the turning and steering by their tails showed in the air what was needful to be done in the deep.” Nowhere can the aerial movements of birds be better studied than on the Nile, and as one’s eye becomes trained it is just by the varying individual methods of flight that one is often able to identify the particular species of birds.

Discover ancient and modern birds of Egypt

This ebook combines gorgeous full-color illustrations of commons birds you can find in Egypt with ancient depictions of the same, or similar birds.


The text combines descriptions of the birds with personal narrative, making it a living nature book that keeps your attention.


Each image can be enlarged in the HTML version for easy downloading. Use the pictures as clipart in your projects!

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