Take Your Homeschool Lessons Outside

Posted in Homeschooling on July 7, 2017 - by

Summer vacation may be on the horizon, but it does not last very long. All summer vacation really means for a homeschooling parent is that it is time to work on next school year's curriculum. Since the first few months of the school year are warm and beautiful, kids still desire that outside time they had over the summer break. Because of this, when school starts back in August, you may want to consider holding class outside, where your children have become comfortable.

Fresh Air Stimulates the Mind

Fresh air and a big sky

One of the most important benefits your children will experience from holding class outdoors is directly related to the fresh air. Being able to smell the flowers, the sunshine, the plants, the dirt, and the grass are all important to their concentration. These aromas serve as mental motivators, even if your kids are unaware of it. Feeling the warm breeze as they read their science assignment or concentrate on a worksheet has benefits that go beyond comfort.

Being Outdoors Makes Your Children Want to be More Hands On

boy exploring on his own

If you are holding class outdoors on days where the weather permits, take advantage of the ability to work with hands-on lessons and materials. It is the perfect time for your child to explore nature as part of their science lesson. Watching plants grow and watching wildlife interact with its environment is the best way for them to get accurate data.

There are a lot of different ways your child can learn from being outside, that they never could in a classroom or at the dining room table studying. Check out Children And Nature to get more tips, news, and resources for learning from being outdoors.

More Room to Stretch Out

Between assignments, students need to stretch out and take in some fresh air. By holding class outdoors, they have the freedom to do just this. Since your child can move freely, as well as sit or lay in almost any position they would like, they will be able to relax more. If they become overwhelmed by sitting in one place, they can easily get up and move around a little bit to get rid of those bursts of energy holding them back from focusing.

Creating a Calm Learning Environment

Holding class outside allows children to learn in a calm, collected environment. They can enjoy a gentle breeze, the sway of the trees, and the many sounds of the outdoors. By being in this calm environment, they are more receptive to taking in new material.

It is Fun for Students and Provides a Great Change in Scenery

Children love changes in their environment, especially when it comes to school. Just the thought of holding class outside makes my kids excited. It is so much more fun than sitting at a desk or at a table to do their work. The things they are distracted by outside offer them a chance to learn and grow as a person.

We all know that our children need to learn. However, they are more likely to learn the material you are presenting if they are in a fun, serene learning environment than they are sitting at a kitchen table.

Homeschool Mom

About Charlene Little

Charlene is a writer, a self-made momtrepreneur, and a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. She has four wonderful, very active young boys. With all there is to do everyday, things are always chaotic and she loves every minute of it. Things we do in everyday life are a learning experience, and her… Full author bio

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