Charlene Little, Author at Homeschool Base

About Charlene Little

Charlene is a writer, a self-made momtrepreneur, and a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. She has four wonderful, very active young boys. With all there is to do everyday, things are always chaotic and she loves every minute of it. Things we do in everyday life are a learning experience, and her family plans to learn all they can!

Charlene has nine years of experience researching and writing about medical sciences, health and wellness, genetics, public health, alternative medicine, education, sociology, psychology, mental health, and even home improvement.

My Favorite Minecraft Toys for Kids

Posted in Reviews on August 1, 2017

A toy pig from the minecraft computer game

Sometimes, the kids even let me play with them. At least when they are in a good mood. :o) Minecraft may have taken the world by storm, but it became a necessity for children who have autism. The low-resolution graphics and the dull colors help provide children who are overstimulated with a world that does Read More »

Do Public Schools Have Their Priorities Right?

Posted in Homeschooling on July 31, 2017

The deficiencies of the public school system continue continuously.

Many students who attend public school agree that the experience is awful. They frequently voice their feelings of disgust in regard to the abomination that we currently cause public school. These students are not the ones that will become the “sheep” of public school. These are the students that will be frowned upon for their Read More »

Complete (All-In-One) Homeschool Curriculum 101

Posted in Homeschooling, Just Starting Out on July 19, 2017

There has never been a perfect curriculum, it is all about how you approach yours.

What Is a Complete Homeschool Curriculum? Choosing a complete curricula, also known as all-in-one curriculum, is often the simplest and most comfortable way for new homeschooling parents to start their homeschool journey. Since everything is included in the package, there is very little need to locate other resources. All you need to do is break Read More »

Learning About the Neighborhood by Walking

Posted in Lifestyle, Preschool on July 17, 2017

Mother and a preschooler walking in a blue field

Is your child familiar with your neighborhood? I am not talking about the street your house is on. I am talking about your entire neighborhood. If your child ever gets lost, will he know how to get home? It is important that every child knows the ins and outs of their neighborhood as early as Read More »

The Myth That Working and Single Parents Can't Homeschool

Posted in Homeschooling, Just Starting Out on July 15, 2017

Working and single parents can homeschool.

OPINION - The first reaction many parents have that there is no way you could work and homeschool your child, or be a single parent and homeschool your child. The truth is even as a single parent, or a working parent you can homeschool your child. I have met single parents who have two jobs Read More »