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Homeschooling with Scavenger Hunts
Posted in Homeschooling on April 26, 2017

Scavenger hunts are a fun way to pass the time when you’re waiting—long car trips, slow lines, waiting rooms—not to mention a great learning opportunity. You can do them around your house or neighborhood, while running errands, or even inside magazines or books. Scavengers can collect the items, or just cross them off a list. Read More »
Is Unschooling Legal? Yes, And Here's Why
Posted in Unschooling on April 26, 2017

After receiving several messages and inquiries about the legality of unschooling, it became evident that this question deserved its own page. The legal aspects of homeschooling and unschooling are naturally common concerns among new homeschooling parents. Is Unschooling Legal in the United States? Unschooling is legally classified as a form of homeschooling. Homeschooling is legal Read More »
7 Super Easy Science Experiments You Can Do with Items You Already Have
Posted in Science on April 25, 2017

Growing up, some of my favorite science experiments were conducted using ingredients we found around the house and in the kitchen. Although science kits are fun, there's no reason why you can't experiment with stuff you already have. These experiments won't cost you very much and are appropriate for younger (and some middle) children. 1. Read More »
Rainy Day Games and Indoor Activities for Little Ones
Posted in Homeschooling on April 24, 2017

One of the benefits of homeschooling is that by having such a small class, you’re able to get more schoolwork done in a shorter amount of time. This leaves you with more time for other things, including play time—which has been shown to be vital to healthy development for young children. Play time can mean Read More »
Designing Your Day (for stay-at-home moms): What I learned after 6 years of trial and error
Posted in Lifestyle on April 23, 2017

It's taken me a long time to find balance in my days. I'm still a work in progress. I've been mothering as a stay-at-home mom for six and a half years now and have been successfully raising two strong boys. I've learned a lot along the way about balance, time, productivity, and rest. Most of Read More »