Free Printable Graph Paper - PDF & Word Document
Posted by Staff on February 6, 2017
Sweet and simple. Below in the download link, you will find the template that we use all the time for printing out new graph paper for worksheets, homework, practice, and more. In many cases, we prefer a graph paper notebook because the spiral binding keeps the papers organized and in one spot. This is my favorite notebook of graph-ruled paper if you decide you don't want to print forever. This is also preferred by my oldest son and is what he used in college.
After a while, I realized it was easiest to just buy loose leaf graph paper from Amazon and cut out the hassle of printing. However, printing is the best solution if you need graph paper quickly. If you are considering printing all of your graphing paper just to avoid paying money, I think you'll find that it is just as cheap in the long run to just buy loose leaf paper. The cost of printer ink can really add up. This is my favorite graph ruled, loose leaf white paper.
Another benefit of printing your own is that you have more control over the page margins. But mostly, we use this printable when we need a full sheet or handouts and ran out of paper.
I've attached an extremely simple printable graph paper PDF. It's black & white so your home printer won't have any issues. Lots of the other free graph paper I've seen is blue, usually light blue, and that's not friendly on my home printer. Plus, when that color is switched to grayscale, it comes out way too faint (for my liking). Let me know if you like this download, and what other things you would like me to upload!

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