Homeschooling - by Austin Garrett

Homeschool vs. Public School for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Children

The Most Common Traits of an Empath Don't Mix Well with a Traditional School Environment

Empaths and highly sensitive children can stand out in public school

The empath or the highly sensitive child’s ability to learn can be severely hampered in the public school setting. Homeschooling is quickly becoming the most attractive and viable alternative education option for students with unique needs that cannot be met in a traditional classroom setting.

Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons

Empaths are most clearly characterized by their ability to absorb the emotions of other people. These people feel things on a very deep level. Often, those feelings become too much to handle, and the individual is negatively affected.

These highly sensitive people never cease to feel the energies of the people around them without any choice in the matter. So, if they are surrounded by unavoidable negative energies, they can feel helpless, scared, and confused. Both Empaths and the highly sensitive person are affected in a similar manner. However, it is especially dangerous for the empath because it can manifest into physical ailments or illnesses if the feelings become too much to handle.

Choosing Between Educational Environments

K-12 children must attend a school; they have no choice in that matter. However, what if your child could learn in a setting that allows their natural talents to bloom?

For empaths or highly sensitive children, the homeschool environment enables them to be comfortable, safe, and learn in a way that is fun for them. In contrast, the chances for them to become overwhelmed by the often ‘chaotic’ energies around them in a public school are very high.

Here are a few things that can happen when one of these children feel overwhelmed:

  • Loss of ability to focus, brain fog, and memory issues
  • Severe anxiety and nervousness
  • Chronic fatigue and stress

And in the public school setting, there is often way too much going on for these children to handle. Homeschooling, on the other hand, can be done in the comfort of your own home. Your child can now learn in a way that is comfortable for them and at their own pace too.

There is no need to worry about ‘what if something were to happen to my highly sensitive child?’ Because in the public school setting, you truly never know what is going to happen, and the wellbeing of your child is entirely dependent on the behavior of the other students. Once your child is sent off to school, you relinquish all control. Overall, homeschool is the safest and least worrisome choice between the two.

You can even homeschool your child for free. There are countless resources available to parents who need a full curriculum for their child’s homeschooling needs right here on Homeschool Base.

Don’t get us wrong – there are advantages and disadvantages to both homeschooling and traditional education. Read up on the pros and cons of a public school education and the pros and cons of homeschooling.

Last updated on May 20, 2017


About Austin Garrett

Austin specializes in Depth Psychology and the Metaphysical - mainly focusing on the human aspect. His passion comes from an inner desire for people to feel understood and less alienated in the world today. He is a highly sensitive person with a Myers-Briggs personality type of INFJ.

One Response to “Homeschool vs. Public School for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Children”

  1. Abbey Channel says:

    I am the mom of an adopted (he is by grandson) 7 year old empath in second grade. He has been bullied by other students and bullied by a teacher. I would love to homeschool him but I am a single parent that must work to support to us. The public school do not understand they have labeled us is troublemakers.

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