Bible Story Coloring Pictures

Sometimes a public domain book has textual problems. The information is old or outdated or the author’s style is not particularly pleasing to the modern reader. It makes it difficult to sift through lots of resources.
More than once I have encountered texts that were just poorly written. Just like you can find mass-produced junk today, it was around at the turn of the last century.
So what do you do with a book if you can’t use the words? You can try to salvage what you can. Maybe the main ideas would make a good outline for a unit study.
Sometimes the book has great illustrations- like these beautiful Bible story pictures that I found. The book’s text was not appealing, but the illustrations are wonderful.
You can use these as coloring pages in your projects!
I have collected 39 of these Bible illustrations and put them in a zip file for you.
Download the Bible Story Coloring Pictures. (right click-save as)
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