Home School Creative Commons Resources
Homeschool Commons was created to serve as a central juncture for finding free resources to use in personal and commercial ventures.
There are other amazing websites that are directed towards homeschoolers which organize and/or provide free resources for use in educating your children. This site is not trying to reproduce the efforts of others.
Instead, this site attempts to provide a clear distinction between material that is free for personal use, and that which is truly liberated. Therefore, much of what is found here will be content in the public domain or copyrighted under a flexible creative commons license.
This means that much of the material can be used to create new works and share with others.
All the material you will find in this category, unless otherwise noted, is free.
I have homeschooled my children since 2004 and have used tons of free use or public domain content in our studies. I love to make printables and other resources from public domain sources.
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- Want to know how to navigate this site?
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- List of free homeschool curriculum other than Homeschool Commons.
- Find out ways you can use public domain material to create your own homeschool projects.
- View a list of reviewed homeschool curriculum.
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How to Use The Commons Category
This category is meant to serve as a hub for free educational material found on the web that is suitable for use in homeschooling, unschooling, and other alternative educational ventures.
There are three main categories. The information in this category is organized in three ways: by grade level, subject, and copyright license.
You can also find what you are looking for by typing in the search button located at the top-right of every page. Try keywords rather than specific phrases to get the most results from your search.
Asgard Stories
Posted in Lower Elementary, Middle School, Mythology, Public Domain, Upper Elementary, Western Civilization on September 26, 2011

Here is a simple book containing the stories of Norse mythology for a younger reading audience. The short narratives are useful for any study involving the Vikings or as a comparison against other religious beliefs. From the book’s preface: The interest shown at present in the teaching of myths to children seems to call for Read More »
Peeps at Many Lands
Posted in Geography, History, Lower Elementary, Middle School, Public Domain, Upper Elementary on September 26, 2011

This series of books, published in the early 1900′s, is still very relevant today. Though some of the geographical and political facts have changed, the stories from these countries gives children a “living look” into cultures from around the world. Each volume contains a map of the country and most contain full-color pictures. Here are the Read More »
Mathematics Illuminated
Posted in College Prep, Free Use, High School, Math on September 26, 2011

Mathematics Illuminated is a 13-part, integrated-media resource created for adult learners and high school teachers. The series covers the broad scope of human knowledge through the study of mathematics and its relevance in the world today. It reaches beyond formulas and computations to explore the math of patterns, symmetry, relationships, multiple dimensions, and more, all Read More »
Ebooks for World War 1
Posted in High School, Middle School, Public Domain, Upper Elementary, Western Civilization on September 23, 2011

In innumerable volumes future generations will learn the details of this war: and the discussions among delving historians will never end. For our time a simpler task is the service set for us. We require a record of the essential facts of the struggle arranged with a sense of historical perspective. For forty years the Read More »
Mr. President Radio Show
Posted in American History, Creative Commons, High School, Lower Elementary, Middle School, Public Domain, Upper Elementary on September 23, 2011

These old radio show episodes are fun to listen to and a great addition to any study of American history. The point of the show was to try to guess which president was being “acted” out by the voice talent. Click to listen to the episodes online, or right-click “save link as” or “save file Read More »